The Honourable Hobo

The life and times of one hobo as he travels and trials around the world spreading strength with a positive message of hope

The Concrete Jungle


Hello everyone thought I would make make a introduction about myself so you all know a little about me.

I have been off and on the streets of almost every major city in Canada and the United States and honestly prefer Canadian life to that of our brothers and sisters to the south. I live to write and this page is my first time writing about my experiences.

my ambition is to share stories, poems and lists so that you (the people ) can understand there is more to life on the street then what the media shows you and what you have been lead to understand about me and others like me. Some posts are to show love to, and some to show the fears of the homeless population. further more, If you would like to leave comments on anything I post please feel free to do so. I look forward to this journey together.. All my love and respect Kano

Kano the honourable hobo

Kano the Honourable Hobo

Author, Homeless Activist, Free Press Reporter and Amateur Film Maker

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